Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oops he did it again...

Yep. Kendall fell AGAIN. He hit his mouth and teeth AGAIN while running in the kitchen. Just when his teeth were turning white after the first incident (actually second; the first one was in January)! Guess we might be visiting the dentist sooner than his 3 month follow-up ... Poor kiddo.

This time he allowed me to put pressure on his lip and teeth to stop the bleeding faster. I had him watch Dora the Explorer while I held the wash cloth with ice against his lip. It was fun to hear him try to answer Dora's questions with the cloth against his face.

We will see how he does tomorrow. I wonder if he will look like a "Who" (from the Grinch who stole Christmas)...again. sigh...

1 comment:

becky ward said...

poor kendall! he just can't get ahead.