Monday, September 8, 2008

Misery for Jaley

Jaley caught on to the idea of contracts after seeing what Julia was able to do (or suffer through). Jaley wrote up a contract so she could do something she has wanted to do for a long time.

My favorite part of the contract is the beginning where she writes: "Okay, I think its kinda unfair that Julia can go to Utah just because she writes a contract. I want to know if I can do something I want to do by writing a contract JUST like her. I really hope you read this and understand how I feel. Here is the contract:

I wonder what is next. These kids are getting good at writing these contracts. We are getting better too...we are raising the bar of expectations in these contracts ;o)

1 comment:

The Coleman Family said...

Hello lady!
i am sure it does feel weird seeing me all grown up.. i dont even remember the last time u saw me! but your oldest wasn't that big when i left!! ha ha you kids are SO pretty!!
thanks for commenting on my blog! we need to keep in touch that way!
hope u are doing well!