Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My brother is a genius

Yep. My brother Richard is a genius. He has created a program to extract all of the family history we have been posting on our website over the last 8 years into a word document.

We stayed up late last night...a little to late...reading some of the silly things Jenna and Jaley did in 2000 and 2001. It was fun to hear their laughter erupt while reading little snippits of memories I would jot down on the website. I'm SO glad I did that. I have completely forgotten most of these memories.

I wish I had some early memories of Julia on the website, but it only goes back to 2000; by then she was a very mature 7 year-old...way beyond her years for goofy moments (her early years might be in letters I sent to Mom).

Richard, THANKS SO MUCH for putting together this information. John understands the amount of work and time you must have put in to creating a computer program to extract the information because he has a passion for writing computer programs too. He just doesn't have the time at the moment to try and figure a program out like this to extract the information...and I'm sure you are super busy too.

Thanks Richard!


becky ward said...

you can't beat having a genius in the family! what a life saver. i am so glad you got it figured out. i bet it was so fun reminiscing.

becky ward said...

i have an award for you on my blog!