Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Believe ---- Julia

Moments like these just make my heart swell with JOY.

Julia is an amazing writer; I love reading her papers. In her Honor's English class she has an assignment to write a paper titled "I Believe".

Here is just a glimpse of my JOY.... She is a living, walking example of what she believes. She is not afraid to share her beliefs. She is proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I Believe

By Julia

“Julia, the key’s still not coming out!” The exasperated words escape my mother’s lips as I look up at her guiltily. Her normally smooth face is stained with worry and frustration as she constantly tugs at the Jeep key that was crammed into the Honda’s ignition. My parents had just switched cars at my Dad’s work, and after my Father had left the parking lot in the blue Toyota, I grabbed the keys from my Mother’s hands and ran to the car. Being the implausibly curious five-year-old that I was, I quickly shoved the largest key I could get my fingers on into the ignition. However, I had just shoved the key for our Jeep into a car meant for a much smaller key. Still tugging and pulling, my Mother gave up on the seemingly impossible situation, and let her tired hand fall from the large, black key.

Seeing my Mother’s downtrodden expression, I recalled my Sunday School teacher telling me that God will always be there for us, we just have to ask for His help. I suggested a prayer to my Mom, who half smiled and softly whispered, “Why don’t you say it”

As the sun was setting right behind the green Honda, I took up my well practiced position of prayer. I paused for a quick second to look up at my Mother, who was waiting patiently for me to begin…so I did.

I started by humbly saying, “Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day.” I peeked at my Mom again to make sure that I was doing it right. I apparently was, so I continued by praying, “Please make Mommy happy. Oh, and please send me something to drink because I’m really thirsty. Amen.”

I heard my Mother’s soft “Amen” beside me, and when I looked up at her, she was looking at me in wonder, with a bemused smile painted on her now amused face. Probably because of the fact that instead of praying for a way home, I prayed for a drink of water.

I strongly believe in the power of prayer. I believe that God really hears us when we call to Him, and that He answers ever single one of our prayers. Even though He may not answer them the way that we may expect or desire, I still believe that He answers them. God heard me that cool, autumn evening ten years ago, and I still remember dancing around the large, abandoned parking lot, and catching water to drink in the empty tennis cans my dad had in his backseat.

I know there are plenty of people that would jump at the opportunity to crush my faith, and tell me it was only by chance it rained while my Mom and I were stranded in a lonesome parking lot, but I’d still believe God heard me that day, and will hear me whenever I pray to Him. I’d still believe, and I always will.

(Editor's side note: This experience still humbles me and brings tears to my eyes. A child's faith and prayers is so profound. John and I swapped cars at John's work just as everyone had cleared out for the day. We didn't have cell phones. All doors to the building were locked. It was a small company out in the middle of almost nowhere. Yes, the key was stuck in the ignition. Julia offered a sweet simple prayer. I remember thinking after saying "Amen"...why not pray to start the car? Water? Where? I had no water bottles. There weren't any functioning water spigots outside the building. And then the rain came. Out of NO WHERE. There were no clouds in the sky... The faith of my daughter was a truly humbling experience for me. )


briansmithprovo said...

Jens and Julia very alike this way. Very simple faith, but strong as diamonds!!

Tell Wendi to blog about Jens's baby bird story when he was 8 or so.

kati said...

sounds like julia is the same old julia i remember. kayley saw julia and asked who she was....she was a little shocked. kinda funny how even though you get older you don't think anyone else should! Your kitchen looks great....wish i could be there to help in all the fun. i miss doing projects together. i have to start some of my own here in germany. glad i saw this email....i didn't get it for a few months while in transition...i just started to blog also....maybe we can keep better in touch!

Kelly Anderson said...

That is really sweet, I have never heard that story before.

Julianne said...

That sounds just like the Julia I know.

becky ward said...

she is a very talented writer. i really enjoyed reading this!