Thursday, September 11, 2008


Julia and I worked on making her dress modest for the Homecoming Dance next weekend. I call it "modest-fying". I like that new word...modify into modest. We should add that to the dictionary.

It is frustrating to go looking for a dress for a dance only to find everything immodest. Sure, we get the dress on sale but have to spend just about as must to "modest-fy" it. It is worth it....every penny to keep our standards. It is also worth the time to teach Julia these skills.

Now to find least I don't need to worry about modesty on that article of clothing! Too bad Julia can't go shop in her Aunt Kelly's closet ;o). She would take me up on that suggestion to go check out Kelly's style...and to visit UT!

Here is Julia sewing in my HUGE sewing room ;o)

Julia has decided to save the dress she just found for the "Winter Formal". We are "modest-fying" this dress instead (adding sleeves). We will work on the other one at another date.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i KNEW these pictures would come back to HAUNT ME!!