Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Lil' Bro...Top 40 under 40 in UT

My sister-in-law proudly informed us about some great news about my big little brother, Reed. He was listed as "top 40 under 40" in the Utah Valley Business Magazine. We are pretty proud of him! (Reed is the second one on the the white shirt with the awesome haircut by my sister Kelly)

Here is the rundown:

My sister-in-law had e-mailed us back in July of this year to share our prediction of what Reed would "most likely to..." (you know, like back in high school, only now.)...without telling us why. She said it was a secret. Now we know! It was for the magazine article, but it ended up that the magazine didn't use that piece or angle...maybe they thought we were ALL crazy.

Here is why:

This is the e-mail thread that we sent in response to Brooke's request:

I started out saying:
"I'll have to think about it....
1. One thing I can think of is that he is most likely to invent a board game/card game line that only he wins.
2. He is most likely to be the only name on a star representing Candid Camera on Hollywood Walk of Fame for starring as the best prankster who can keep a straight face and be super convincing. This talent started at a very young age and only has improved (if that is the right word) with time.
3. He is most likely to convince the Board Members over Utah Lake to change the lake name to Lake Reed.
I know there's a lot more...looking forward to hearing what you have."

Shannon replied to all with:
"The board game one is PERFECT!"

Kelly replied to all of us with:
"1. Most likely to play barbies with you in the back of a station wagon.
2. Most likely to make a game really fun, even when you are losing.
3. Most likely to wear loud pajama pant if his underwear can't have bright yellow smiley"

Julianne jumped in with this reply to all:
"Am I too late?
1. Most likely to be a politician
2. Most likely to do stand-up comedy
3. Most likely to run a town"

I replied to all (in response to Julianne's reply):
"At first I thought the last one said "Most likely to be run out of town"...that might be fitting after a good round of HIS teasing."

1 comment:

becky ward said...

how cool is that!? certainly something to be proud of.