Thursday, August 14, 2008

Julia's misery = our happiness, Huh?

Julia brought to our attention an observation she had the other day. She pointed out that everyone else's happiness in the family is based on her level of misery. Let me explain...

Julia's found out at a 4th year girl's camp meeting in February of this year that her camping experience was going to be TOTALLY different than what she was going to have in Chicago. In Chicago, the 4th year girls do a 1 day canoe trip. She was really looking forward to doing that with her friends. At this meeting, her enthusiastic (overly enthusiastic according to Julia) leaders explained the table display of gear to the girls. Water Filter, shovel, 2 lb sleeping bag, 5 lb two man tent, Mountain House Food (dehydrated food), dressing in layers, DO NOT wear cotton, wear the same clothing, packing everything in zip lock bags, 35 lb limit, etc.


Julia looked at me with fear (or should I say a glare) in her eyes and said under her breath, "I'm going to die."

For the next several weeks she was miserable. We were all miserable. I know it was hard enough taking her away from her friends in Chicago and her singing group, but then to add this backpacking trip on top of it. We were not going to back down. She needed to go on this trip. I knew it would be a very empowering experience for her. If she did this, it would give her the confidence and knowledge that she could accomplish anything. For those of you who know Julia, this would be a very difficult experience. She would rather read a book, play the piano or sing. She also has asthma.

John came up with a solution and typed up a contract with Julia promising to give her unlimited texting on the cell phone for a year if she changed her outward attitude about the backpacking trip. She could still be terrified about it, but not make us all miserable.
Julia and her friend Blakelee. Julia's backpack ended up weighing 36 lbs, 1 lb over. When Julia heard that she turned to me and said with a twinkle in her eye, "I guess I can't go." No such luck...she got to carry 1 extra pound.
This is when the 4th years march in to camp after four full days of backpacking in the Colorado mountains. It ended up being longer than 25 miles because they took extra hikes during the day. Notice she is still wearing the same clothing?!? That is how they were to pack to keep down the weight.

She went. She survived. Thanks for the texting Julia!!!

1 comment:

becky ward said...

i love the picture of them marching into camp. i am sure it was an amazing experience for all!