Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Julia is starting a new music group at her High School. This music group will be student led (by Julia until she graduates) and will consist of 8 girls. Julia, with the help of her amazing voice teacher Lorena P., put together a packet to give to the girls that includes an introductory information sheet, sheet explaining their music interest and ability, and a permission form for their parents to sign acknowledging the commitment involved.
There is some buzz at the school about this new A Cappella group. Julia is a little worried about a couple of the girls being upset if they don't make it (in fact, all of the girls who don't make it will be upset) because they know Julia. Julia was telling me last night that just by knowing her doesn't qualify an automatic "in" with the group. THIS group is based on ability. Julia's voice teacher will help Julia in screening the auditions for Call Backs. That will take some of the stress off of Julia.

Fliers are being hung up today and Julia will hand out the Audition Packet to those who sign up for an audition time. She will be super busy next Wednesday and Thursday screening the girls at auditions for a Call Back audition the following week.

She is really excited! Julia's voice teacher came up with this amazing logo for the group...

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