Friday, August 29, 2008

Figuring out this blogging thing...

This is such a neat way to preserve our family memories and with Becky's blog book, it has motivated me even more to preserve our family memories so that I can have it in a hard copy too!

I've learned a couple of things (thanks for tutoring me Shannon, Kelly, Brooke and Becky!): How to add a link, how to change the date, adding music to a blog, adding pictures...and I'm sure there is so much more!

The most recent thing I learned from Brooke was how to change the date. I thought I was stuck with the date that I started the post. Nope! I can change the date to whatever date I want! I am going to start working on adding our past family news items...this is going to be fun!

1 comment:

becky ward said...

look at you getting all educated on us! you learn quickly. can't wait to see the fruits of your labor!