Tuesday, August 26, 2008


John and I had our 18th Wedding Anniversary this past Friday (August 22). While preparing for family to arrive, I remembered that our anniversary would fall right in the middle of the fun! It wasn't until mid afternoon while John was off swimming with his sister and her family (3 hours of tennis before that!) that it dawned on me that it was our anniversary!

I mentioned it to John when he got back from swimming. He smiled and asked if I would like to join him at a Hawaiian Loua that evening (the pre-wedding dinner/party that John's sister Emily was throwing).

We had a blast! And hey, the food was free AND yummy! So, Happy 18th Honey! I guess I'm not a very high maintenance wife...even I forget!


Shannon said...

John is still as handsome as ever. Corin, you lucky duck!

becky ward said...

you two are adorable! happy anniversary. so fun to see these pictures.