I've had several experiences in the last couple of weeks to step back and re-evaluate.
Experience #1
We ran into one of John's older brother's childhood best friend, Scott L and his sweet wife Toni, at a stake temple day this past Spring. It was a miracle in itself that we crossed paths that day. We were able to hook big brother Bruce up with Scott after many years. We received word mid-August that Toni was diagnosed with kidney cancer at the beginning of August. The cancer spread quickly. She passed away September 11. I was able to attend her funeral. Her 10 children stood up and shared experiences that they will always remember. She inspired me to want to be a better mom...a better person all around. It was touching to see so many family and friends come out to celebrate her life. She was truly an amazing woman.
Experience #2
Standard's Night held by our Stake (where Julia sang a duet) was another moment that made me re-evaluate. One of the speakers gave the audience a test. He asked the kids to evaluate their parents and the parents to evaluate their kids.
Questions for the teenagers to evaluate their parents:
Are you doing daily family scripture study, daily family prayer, weekly family home evening and eating dinner as a family?
He then asked the parents to evaluate their teenagers. The questions were taken from the Strength of Youth Pamphlet regarding the Family.
Here are the questions focused toward the youth (but apply to the adults too)
Do they build a happy home (cheerful, helpful, considerate), are they peacemakers? Do they honor you? Do they help around the house? Participate in family activities? Do they strengthen their relationships with their siblings?
He then proceeded to tell the story of James Kirkwood. He was an 11 year old boy that helped his widowed mother and and 3 brothers climb over Rocky Ridge. He gave his life to save his younger brother. The speaker tied this to various personal experiences he had growing up when his older brother protected him from a school bully, etc. He knew that his brother would have given his life for him. He then asked the youth how they rated on the "test" and asked the questions again.
That made me pause and think...
Experience #3
Has not happened yet, but will. I am looking forward to General Conference. This happens twice a year. I remember some time back that my mom mentioned that it is during General Conference that she comes up with her "New Year's Resolution".... she and my dad do their resolutions twice a year. In October and in April.
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
5 months ago
I love GC time.....I am so grateful for the prophet. I thought we would have to wear headphones this year, but they are streaming an English version too! Very thought provoking questions.
I LOVE the idea of twice a year resolutions! It just makes sense to evaluate and reset more often.
I'm totally stealing that one!
Thanks for all your posts. It makes my morning when I can log on and see awesome posts from our good friends.
thanks for sharing these. it's nice to have reminders like this to really put life into perpective!
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