Monday, October 13, 2008

Gross-out Feast - Dessert

And now my favorite part of the dinner....the reactions were a riot! Jaley and Grace's reaction was priceless. So was Kendall's.

So what was dessert? Kendall said 'Ewe." He knows better than to eat THAT!

Or does he know better?.....


Unknown said...

Kendall's face is the BEST in that picture. I hope he doesn't decide to try out other diapers full of gooey brown stuff in the future . . .


Cathy said...

That looks disgusting! Great feast.

Julianne said...

That spoonful looks very unappetizing, but he is cute doing it.

kati said...

LOOKS YUMMY!!! Wish I could be there to have some os those brains!! I showed the girls and they think we need to have one....I told them maybe next year!

becky ward said...

GROSS! you are such a crack up!