Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Break - heading to UT

We decided to go visit (aka bother) our family during Fall Break. We packed up what we thought we'd need and figured we could live without anything we forgot (maybe).

We headed out for our 503 mile, 7 1/2 hour drive to UT after Julia's morning ortho appointment (no, the braces aren't off...hopefully soon!). Jenna was excited about the drive. What? Excited about the drive? She then explained that she was going to have 7 hours to read the book she was bringing - for enjoyment! (I know, I had to pick my jaw up out of my lap; Jenna has recently found a series she LOVES!)

It wasn't long before I had the first "complaint". Jaley tends to get carsick so I gave her some Dramamine. She asked me what it would do to her. I told her it would make her tired and that she would most likely sleep about 4 hours. After she took it we all told her "goodnight, see you in 4 hours." It was only an hour later when she woke up and saw this:

Groggily she asked how long she had slept. Julia replied, "Merry Christmas!" We had a good laugh.

In previous trips, we only do one bathroom stop. This time we had to add another...in the middle of no where; it was an emergency (so he said).

Kendall discovered that he LOVED the rumble strips along the side of the road. I would run over them every so often just to get a stir out of him. He would say "again again" after each time.

We arrived just in time to watch cousin Jadey play in her soccer game. It was chilly and windy but that didn't stop her from being amazing! Grandma M's homemade stew hit the spot (a favorite of Jaley's!)


Cathy said...

Where are you?? Are you still here? Come and visit!

ckm said...

No...I figured out how to change the date on the post and make sure the event is posted on the date it happened so that I can keep our journal in order (and go back and post items that I didn't get around to posting).

We will need to hook up next time! Hopefully in December!