Friday, December 31, 2010

What would you do?

Overheard ...

The kids are watching Harry Potter - Half Blood Prince.

The scene: 
Harry and Ron are new students in the magic potions class.  They are asked to get their books from a closet/another room.  They find two books - Harry is "stuck with" the used worn book that once belonged to the Half Blood Prince.  The boys join the class with their books just in time to hear Professor Slughorn telling the students of a prize they can win in his class. 

The challenge: Make the best potion of Draught of Living Death. 

The prize: a vial of liquid luck aka - Felix Felicis.

Here is the discussion I overheard from the kids regarding what they would do with the vial if they won it.

Julia:  I would never use it because I'd think that something else better would come along.

Jenna:  I would lose it.

Kerst would drink it right away because it looked yummy.  (Kerst laughs)

Jaley:  I would dump it out.  I only want the vial because it is cool.

They are so good at analyzing themselves!  They make me laugh!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Go Figure

I start early setting up my Christmas decorations.  Nov 1 (gasp - from some of you).  It took me 2 weeks this year due to figuring out where to put things in the new home and also I needed to restring several trees.

I set up early.  I take down early.

I just finished packing away the final tree and decorations ... and now it snows.  Go figure.

Maybe I should keep my Christmas set up year around to keep the snow away.  Don't get me wrong.  I love the snow.  It is impossible to get out of my driveway with even the slightest dusting.


Julia has it now.  The flu.  It comes on suddenly.  No real warning.  "My stomach hurts" ... 30 minutes later ... it has hit full force.

I hope the other 3 steer clear!  Jenna needs to finish up her lifegaurding class before she catches it ... which is anytime after today.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It started with Kendall.  Then me.  Then Jaley.  Who's next?

In a matter of 24 hours, I lost all of the Christmas weight I had gained.  Thanks flu.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry CHRISTmas

May we all find peace and comfort as we remember the true gift.  A gift from God. 
May we become like Him.

Kissing the Face of God.  By Morgan Weistling

Friday, December 24, 2010

Dec 25 - Christmas Advent

Busy busy busy.

Listen to the book Twas the Night Before Christmas ... read by their grandparents.  We did this last year.  Take a look

Attend Christmas Eve celebration with the VanW. S. and W. crews (John's side of the family!).  Food.  Fun.  Singing ... and holding a new niece!

Open your Christmas Pajamas and take picture under the tree.

Baby Jesus' Bday Party.

Watch the Nativity Story ... and/or Christmas Story (A beautiful story that has English dubbed in - it tells the story of a young orphan boy who becomes Santa ... a MUST SEE, MUST HAVE).

Ollie - Dec 24

Ollie must have seen the boys make forts ...

Ollie made a fort with the gifts and is sleeping in one of the stockings.

We sure had fun with Ollie this year!  He heads back to the North Pole with Santa tonight when he stops in for his visit.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

2010 Christmas Card

Yes, what you have been waiting for!  We came up with a couple of ideas and ended up with going with this idea.  My sister, Kelly, took the photos for us.  I am usually the one behind the camera so it was fun to actually take part in our goofy tradition!
The Christmas Card:
Dear Santa,
We can explain ...
The M~ Family

 Here are the pictures included on the card:
For: Santa ... the empty milk cup and plate of cookies.
So thoughtful.  Santa must have really enjoyed the goodies.
Or did he? ...

Caught Red Handed ... or was it dirty mug

We had fun blaming each other.

Last minute we decided to all point at Kendall.  His reaction was classic!  Not even staged.

Editor's Note:  When Jenna was a little girl, she would ALWAYS have a perfect ring around her mouth after eating.  We could not figure out how she did it.  We finally sat and observed one day while eating chocolate pudding to see how she managed the perfect ring around her mouth.  She would lick her lips after eating and somehow there would be some residue at the tip of her tongue that would leave the perfect line around her mouth.  She recreated this effect for the photo.  I LOVE IT!


A quick update:

Kendall (4 1/2) – Thinks he rules the house (his siblings will agree). Loves to count and usually gets to the 70’s before getting tired – or distracted - (and still messes up 13, 14 and 15 at times). Loves to write, color and is starting to read! He can talk your ear off! Kendall is Mom’s bitty buddy.

Kerst (9 ¾) – Loves to snuggle Kendall – they are best friends. He is a great reader and is working on Harry Potter’s last book. He loves to help his Dad around the house. He is a great cook too! Kerst was named student of the month in November and also has a solo in his school production in January.

Jaley (almost 14) – Loves fashion design and interior design. Completed her 1,640 yo-yos on her quilt – it is gorgeous! She is very artistic and amazing with children. She broke her wrist in two places in gym in January and didn’t tell anyone. She sewed through her finger (fingernail and bone included) in June with my machine and we all heard when that happened! Jaley is ending the year with a split in her mouth to stabilize her jaw. She’s expensive, but worth it!

Jenna (15 ¾) – Has her driver’s permit (gasp). Loves Biology. Loves swimming (amazing and graceful). Loves electronics. She got her braces off this year and has a winning smile! Even though we live in MST, we operate on JST (Jenna Standard Time) – which is at least 10 minutes late.

Julia (17 ¾) – is a senior (gasp). Driving (gaaaasp). Working as a hostess (dream job if you ask me!) Applying to colleges (sniff). Rocked her ACT and AP tests. Made All State Choir again! Is in the High School Musical – Grease – and landed the lead role of Sandy!

Corin (old enough to have a high school senior?) – Busy. Enjoys being able to raid Jaley, Jenna and Julia’s closets after working hard this summer to lose baby-baby-baby-moving-baby-baby-moving-moving weight. Painted endless ceilings and walls at the new home. Feeling a little more settled in the new home.

John (older) – Enjoyed the vacation of a lifetime touring Europe with his parents and siblings in August. Moved the family in July to another home. He is currently working on finishing 2600 sq ft in the basement. He is amazing!

us ...

Scholarly ...

Julia has been awarded the Presidential Scholarship to UNC!  We are still waiting to hear back from several more different Universities.

Congrats Julia!

Basement update

John was busy over Thanksgiving working on the underground plumbing with my Dad.

Over a week ago John finished up the cement portion of the underground plumbing and we have headed into framing!

John found someone to help us frame the basement.  Monte has been working on it this past week - John will be home the rest of the year starting tomorrow to learn about framing.  We hope to have it framed really soon and then that amazing man of mine will begin running the electrical and the above ground plumbing.  I look forward to being his sidekick ...

Standing on the basement steps landing looking into the basement. This basement has 8 1/2 foot ceilings.

To the right in this picture you see Jenna's bathroom with the toilet room in the middle of the picture, sink area to the right of that and the shower at the base of the picture. Jenna's room is the middle portion of the picture with the closet in the corner - outlined on the floor with wood.

Jale's toilet room is to the left of Jenna's - it has a tall drain pipe sticking out of the "wall" that will be for the sink that is to the far left outside of the picture.

This is standing in the far corner of Jenna's room (in the above picture, I am standing near the area of pink insulation on the wall) looking towards the landing where I was standing for the above picture.  The food storage/storage room in seen in the middle of the picture.  You can see the large room/office through the "door" of Jenna's room.  You can see in the middle of the picture Jenna's bathroom and Jaley's toilet rooom and shower.

Ollie - Dec 23

Kendall asks every night if it is a school night.  He LOVES Kerst and looks forward to snuggling Kerst in Kerst's bed.  Kendall has been loving this break from school because he does sleep overs with Kerst every night.

Sometimes I wonder why we even have beds.  They boys have been sleeping in the recliner in Kerst's room.

Ollie decided to join in the sleepover.

I just love these boys!

Update on Dec 22 Advent Activity

We looked at lights.  The people who set up the display from last year had moved.  That entire block was dark.  Bah humbug.

We did go to the only McDonalds in our area that has 25 cent cones.  I wish I had recorded the order.

John:  "Can we have 6 apple pies."

McD: "We are out of apple pies.  It will be 14 minutes before more are ready.  We have 3 cherry and 2 custard."
John:  "Ok.  We'll take those."

McD: "All of them?"
John: "Yes, all of them."

McD:  "Anything else?"

John:  "Yes, nine 25 cent cones."

McD: "Did you say nine?"

John:  "Yes, nine."

We drove a way giggling with $5.08 cents worth of goodies.

Kendall was so excited to get his ice cream ... but fell asleep on the way.  Do you remember how Jaley tortured him with her sour war head drops while he was sleeping?  Well, she did it again.  Tilt your head to see it in the proper orientation ... Julia captured this on her cell phone.

It is hard to see, but Jaley is trying to feed Kendall his ice cream cone while he is sleeping.  He keeps moving his head and it gets smeared on his face. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dec 22 - Advent Activity

Look at Christmas lights while listening to Christmas music!  Also ... hit McDonalds for their 25 cent icecream cones (only at one McDonalds in our area).


It was funny to hear Jenna insist that 0 was her number.  Why?  Because that is the balance in her bank account.  Funny. 

Well, they FINALLY cracked the code.

I thought the clues yesterday would give it away for sure.  No.  The clue today was cracked by Julia because she was that certain 17 year old.

0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22 represents the teeth they lost.

Kendall hasn't lost any - 0.

Kerst has lost 8.

The dentist wasn't sure if Jaley had one or two more baby teeth to lose, hence 18 or 19.

Jenna has lost 22. 20 baby teeth and 2 adult teeth were pulled to help her teeth fit her jaw - that was instead of doing jaw surgery.

Julia has lost 20.  Monday she was supposed to have her wisdom teeth out but we decided not to do it at this time and wait until after she graduates ... she has a busy couple of months coming up with All State Choir and the High School musical.

Another clue to the code

The Christmas gift code:  0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22.

Clue for today:  If a certain 17 year old had kept a specific appointment on Monday, her number would be changed to be 4 more than her original number.  So if you can figure out the reason behind the code ... now figure out who belongs to which number!

Now that would have been fun!  Can you just imagine ... a specific number crossed out with a new number written next to it!!!

Ollie - Dec 22

Kerst laughed.  Ollie had made his own outdoor camping scene. 
Pretzel sticks for his fire. 
A bag of marshmellows.
Ollie roasting marshmellows over a "fire".

 You should have seen Kerst's eyes when he saw that the marshmellow was actually toasted -
Kerst even reached out to touch it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dec 21 - Advent Activity

Make homemade Kettle Corn with the stove top popcorn popper we received for Christmas last year from our UT cousins.  Watch Yes Virginia - a sweet 24 minute movie based on a true story (I found it on DVD at Walmart).  ALL of the kids laughed throughout it - it was sweet and funny.  I highly recommend it!!! 

And yet another code to the clue

The code on the gifts ...

0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22

Clue for today:  When I think of the answer/reason for this code the words Mint, Pearly and Pillow come to mind.

Kerst piped in, "Oh I know.  It is our bedtime. (pause) No wait, it is how long we sleep." ... so that means my sister Kelly gets all of the gifts that are labeled with "22". (giggle)

Ollie Dec 21

This reminds me of  my boys trying to get something down that is too high to reach.
They drag over a chair, a stool, some books, etc.

So, is he trying to get out?  Are we driving him crazy?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kendall's attempt at the code

The Christmas gifts have a code.  No names.  A number.  0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22.  The kids have to crack it.  Jaley did.  So did my friend, Deon, my sisters Cara and Shannon.

Kendall made an attempt at cracking the code.  Not bad for a 4 1/2 year old!

Notice #0 is written in the top left corner.
Kendall wrote Kerst and Kendall on the package.
Maybe next year I will have Kendall write random names on the gifts and we will figure out who the gift really belongs to after it is opened!

Dec 20 - Christmas Advent Activity

Go to the store and pick out a TV/Frozen dinner and find a redbox movie (or watch a Christmas Movie we already have).

The kids love this!  It takes F O R E V E R   to cook all of the meals in the microwave - but they don't care!

Signed, Sealed ....

And soon to be delivered.  Our Christmas Card!

Hopefully yours is in the mail (sorry if you don't get one - we just might not have your address!).  I will post our card on Thursday - 5:00 p.m. - to allow the cards to be opened ... and a surprise (our goofy pictures).

Another clue to the code

I had to update yesterday's clue ... I mentioned that 3 of the 5 numbers would not change.  Actually, they will all increase - the 2 remaining numbers will increase one final time.

The code written on our gifts:
0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22

Remember - it doesn't put everyone in order by age. 
Clue for today ... If I was assigned a number, I would be 23 (abnormally low for an adult).  John would be 26 (abnormally high for an adult).  In fact most adults/older teens would all have the number 24.

Ollie Dec 20

As they say, if the shoe fits, wear it!  Or ... Ollie has some big shoes to fill!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dec 19 - Christmas Advent

Make homemade eggnog.


I discovered tonight that the eggnog is finished cooking when it hits 75 degrees C (or nearly 175 degrees F) with a candy thermometer.  That helps with the guess work of when it is done so that you don't over cook it.  Please see above link to the recipe and the directions to understand.

I also made some for me ... with some alterations

3 cups water
1 cup half and half
4 eggs
3/4 cup Stevia

For less carbs ... I am going to try 3 1/2 cups water and 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream.

Ollie Dec 19

 I think Ollie has been enjoying looking at and reading the messages from all of our dear friends.

I think Ollie is trying to get after me to finish up our card!  The card has been done for a month now ... I finally finished writing out all of the addresses ... now to print off our newsletter ... lick the envelope closed ... stamp them ... and the hardest part - walk them up to the mail box.

A hint to "the code"

Code for gifts:
0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22

Yesterday's hint:  The numbers do not put the kids in order.

Clue(s) for today:
This is most likely the ONLY year we can use these numbers or even this code.
The number will change for 3 of the 5 kids eventually.  Actually, I take that back.  The number will increase one final time for the other two kids as well ...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dec 18 - Christmas Advent

Chill out today ... and watch some Christmas Movies ...

We made cookies.  Watched movies.  I wrapped gifts and told the kids "the code" for the gifts clue.

We were ... going to drive to UT for a super quick trip to attend the Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert featuring David Archuleta but decided to chill instead (plus the weather wasn't so great in the mountains with 2 feet of snow to fall today).

The Code

For the past several years, we have been putting a "code" on the gifts.  No names.  A code.  The kids have to crack the code to figure out which gifts belong to each person.

The code for this year:

0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22

Let the games begin!

The first person who cracks the code gets to go out for lunch (so if you crack the code ... come on over and have lunch with us!)

Note - Jaley cracked the code in about 2 hours ...

Ollie Dec 18

Just hanging around ...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dec 17 - Christmas Advent

Attend the ward Christmas Dinner.

It was yummy.  Ham.  Sweet Potatoes w/brown sugar topping.  Cheesy Potato Casserole.  Salads.  Rolls.

And ... a cookie exchange.  Each family was asked to bring 2 dozen of their favorite Christmas cookie/goodie.

Jaley had a request.  Her favorite.  Homemade Donuts.

So we did!  We brought over 5 dozen (from one batch!).  They were gone in 5 minutes!

Wanna play "Hide and Seek"?

We had such a fun time this summer with our cousins visiting ... and helping us move ... and more importantly playing Hide and Go Seek.

Jaley, Kerst and Kendall still love talking about it.  How much fun it was running around piles of stuff and hiding in the chaos ... and just having fun.  It was fun.  Their shrieks of laughter as each person was found.

Today Kendall, Kerst and Jaley decided to play Hide and Go Seek.  Jaley and Kerst took turns counting.  Then Kendall wanted a turn.

I was cracking up. 

Wanna play?  Can you hide fast enough?

Ollie - Dec 17

 What a small hat you have Mr. Snowman ....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Half way to Utah

Yep.  I would be.  Half way to UT.  With the amount of time I spent in the car today!  (Dentist appointment.  Back home.  Kendall to preschool.  Back home.  Jenna to her swim meet.  Kendall from preschool.  Back home.)  Remember ... everything is about 1/2 an hour away!

Thank goodness there is a radio station that plays Christmas music 24 x 7.

Just like his sisters

The phone rang.  The caller I.D. read our local school district.


A sheepish voice on the other end said, "Mom, I got the part."

It was Kerst.  He auditioned for a vocal solo in his elementary school's production that will happen after winter break.  It sounded like almost everyone in his class auditioned.

He has an amazing voice.  Just like his older sisters ...

Way to go Buddy!

Ollie Dec 16

On Gecko, On Polar Bear, On Puppy, On Penguin.
On Tiger, On Bunny ...
Dash away.  Dash away.  Dash away all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dec 15 - Advent Activity

Make Dad-a-chinnos (Strawberry Smoothies)

Maybe next time (or a strawberry smoothie in the morning for a portion of breakfast).

Busy.  Busy.  Busy evening.  College applications.  Julia working.  Jenna preparing for finals.   Babysitting.  Cub Scouts.  Refinancing (low interest rates can't pass that one up). 

And now it is snowing.  I parked my car up in the cul-de-sac.  Hopefully I can get out tomorrow for yet another appointment for Jaley's jaw and Kendall to preschool ... older girls to finals ... Kerst to his school Christmas Party Breakfast.

Ollie - Dec 15

Ollie has a what?


He posted pictures of the kids on his facebook page ... and tagged them. 

They are going to LOVE these photos of themselves ... thanks to one of Ollie's friends who helped him with some pretty sweet editing skills.

Our kids "Better Watch Out!" ... and they shouldn't have a problem ... take a look!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dec 14 - Advent Activity

Dress up in your pajamas and go to Chic-Fil-A for their Polar Express night.

Chick-Fil-A had a free kids meal night ... if you go in your pajamas. 
The place was CRAZY BUSY so John went through the drivethrough.

And they ate in the Target parking lot!
*Jenna and I were at her swim meet .... busy busy.

Ollie - Dec 14

Piggy back rides are the best!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec 13 - Advent Activity

For Family Home Evening, read the book "A Night Without Darkness."  (Thanks for the suggestion Julianne!)

Ollie - Dec 13

Hopefully Ollie won't become an "elephant in a china shop"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

To Ollie:

Kendall was NOT happy with what Ollie did today.  Kendall was convinced that Ollie did the writing on the windows and NOT Kerst OR Jenna.

I found Kendall with a wet rag cleaning up the windows.  Later I came into the room and found this note taped on the window from Kendall:

Notice the smeared/foggy window where Kendall tried to clean up "Ollie's mess"

Kendall's Note:
Not Jenna (check mark)
No (check mark) (check mark) lladnek
Kerst (check mark)

Kendall did this all on his own.  Isn't that sweet that he will try and defend his older brother and sister?

Dec 12 - Advent Activity

Attend the community sing-in of Handel's Messiah.

Asking for help

Kerst was helping assemble a salad for dinner.

"Can you get me a big bowl down?"

John replied, "Way to ask for help, Kerst."  - I thought in my head at the same time that it was good that he asked for help rather than climbing up on top of the counter to reach the bowl. 

Kerst quickly replied, "No, I was just getting out of doing something."

Christmas Decorations - Christmas Village

I was able to put my Normal Rockwell Four Freedoms Christmas Village on top of my kitchen cabinets.

Ollie - Dec 12

The blame game.

So who did it?  Kerst?  Jenna?  Or was it Ollie?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec 11 - Advent Activity

Go to the $3 dollar movie theater. 

That was the plan.  Then we realized one of the movies was new on DVD this week (Inception) and the other (Despicable Me) is coming out next Tuesday.  So we decided to purchase the movie and do a lazy night at home.  Cheaper.  Plus we get to keep it.   I prefer to be home anyway!

So the older ones will be watching Inception.  The younger ones have narrowed down their selection to 3 different choices we already have.  Decisions decisions!

Ollie - Dec 11

Kerst mentioned that Ollie hasn't been up to too much mischief.  He spoke too soon.

Ollie really did it today.  While we were sleeping.  No one noticed until ... Kerst found him and figured it out.

What to watch for:
Kerst starts to figure it out and gets a little worried ... at 22 seconds
Kerst's reaction ... at 42 seconds
Kerst chews out Ollie ... at 49 seconds
John points it out on Kendall ... 50-52 seconds
Kendall's reaction ... my favorite!  ... at 55 seconds

I'll post more photos a little later.  Enjoy this for now!

That Ollie.

Christmas Decorations - Family Room

This is the Family Room.  The 9' tree fit the other house just perfectly ... on some boxes.  I put it up on the end tables and it still doesn't fill the space - 18' ceilings.  I still LOVE this tree.  I painted all of the ornaments on this tree several years ago.  I have lots of fond memories painting with my girl friend, Kati.  I have more ornaments I hope to paint ...

 Above the fireplace is my Santa Collection ...
once again, I think John is glad I don't have a lot of surface area.

The red box contains envelopes that holds our "Advent Activity" 
This table also holds some of my miniature tree collection.
It also has a new favorite Nativity ... my favorite ones are of Mary holding the Christ Child. 
This one even has children acting it out.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Basement Progress

We have an unfinished basement.  2,600 square feet to finish.

Over Thanksgiving, John and my Dad broke ground.  Really.  They broke ground with a jack hammer.

This past week John has put in many hours placing the new lines for the bathrooms in the basement.  This is a first for him ... underground plumbing.  Can I say he is amazing!!!

Today he passed the inspection!  Now to fill in the holes and top with cement.

You can see the plumbing John did for 2 toilets and 2 showers and sinks. 
Far back right wall John ran another drain.  2 more areas are not shown where he reworked or added plumbing.