Monday, September 20, 2010

Ceiling Project Finished!

I know color and light can effect a person.  It does me!  With the ceiling painted the same dark color of the walls, I felt closed in.  I need light!  I love color ... but in limited amounts - not to include ceilings.

While John was away, I painted the ceilings I could reach.  The Master Bedroom - before pictures - after pictures.  The hallways, kitchen and eating area - before pictures - after pictures.  When John came back he helped me finish up the 18' ceiling.  He painted the entire day on Labor Day ... a day of Labor, right?!   I helped too ... don't worry!
Julia hanging over the banister ...
Notice the "light fixture"?  This is where the Chandelier used to hang.  The previous owners must have sold it or taken it with them - and this was painted too!  Thankfully they didn't strip the entire house down like other foreclosed property owners have been known to do.
Thank goodness for scaffolding!  You can get an idea of how dark the ceilings were.  You couldn't tell where the walls ended and the ceilings started.
What a huge difference!  The house is so much brighter ... and seems bigger too!
Entry way looking down from upstairs landing

Looking into Kerst's room ... Kendall's room is down the short hallway right next to Kerst's door.

1 comment:

And We Sailed On said...

its looks great! way to go.