Jenna has had an awesome summer job: Life guarding. Jenna's boss came in to work today (again) to check in on the staff. He asked Jenna if she knew what STA was. She didn't.
He told her that it is something that he sees a lot of in his business of staffing pools open for the summer. Short Term Attitude. It is an attitude of laziness. Not pulling one's weight because they know their job is coming to a close. He then told her that he noticed that she is one of the only life guards that has integrity. He appreciates how she works hard, covers shifts last minute and doesn't complain. And she has a great sense of humor and a contagious laugh ... he likes that too. That's my Jenna.
They want Jenna back next year. Jaley is going to apply to work there too ... maybe we can convince Julia to jump on board as well. Three HOT modest life guards working at the same pools. Oh my.
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
4 months ago
I'm down. haha and GO JENNA
What a great example!
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