Julia and Jenna had a choir concert on Wednesday.
Julia's Jazz Choir sang Sleep by Eric Whitacre. Julia developed a passion for this composer long before the other students in her choir ... it is fun to see them develop an appreciation/love/infactuation for this music (although I don't know who loves Eric Whitacre more than my own Julia). The beginning of this clip the choir director shares some background to this song selection. It really helps you as an audience to connect to this beautiful piece. The choir dedicated this song performance to the victims in Japan from the tsunami.
Side note: If you are an audience member who needs to leave during a musical number, please make sure the door does not slam behind you! I was able to edit out one of the door slams, but not the other. Sigh ...
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
5 months ago
Eric Whitacre was honestly my favorite thing about being in choirs. "Water Night" especially.
Morten Lauridsen is also really really good. I recommend his O Nata Lux.
That was so, so lovely!
True story: As I was watching this video, Christian came into the den and said, "Is that 'Sleep'?" He totally recognized it, even from the other room and said that he LOVES this piece! In fact, he had to do a parody of a poem for his English class last week, and he choose "Sleep" as his poem. Crazy! We MUST get Julia and Christian together for a meet n' greet once she gets out to BYU; they have so much in common!
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