Thursday, March 25, 2010


Julia proudly informed us that in one more year she can order something from the "as seen on TV" commercials (must be 18 to call). I laughed. I bet she will call next year on her birthday just to let them know she is old enough to call.

She went out to lunch with her friends. She treated them - she had a gift card to Red Robin. She loves their burgers.

She wanted to watch her new favorite movie: The Terminal (and I'd have to put that at one of my top movies list too). I searched. No luck.

Kyle left this cute message on our driveway with a goodie. It reminded me of another message ...

I'm glad I grabbed the camera. It started to rain about an hour later and then we ended up with almost a foot of snow 5 hours after that (I'm SO glad we missed the snow to and from UT)!

I tried my hand at making a more creative cake. I admit, I'm not a cake decorator. Even my cupcake creation attempts would be considered flops. Jaley helped me with this creation. A piano for our piano player. Jaley made the metronome. I used this fondant recipe.

We had Spaghetti for dinner. Yum!
On to the celebration ...
Kendall is in to correcting us lately. If we slip and say the "S word" (aka - stupid), he quickly says "We don't say that word." He can pick that word out in any conversation be it on the radio, a book on tape that we were listening to on the way to UT, etc. He will also correct us on how to say Julia's name. If we call her Julia he tells us, "No it's Daeia."

Here is Kendall stating throughout the entire Bday song "I want to blow it." When we reach Julia's name, he switches gears and tells us "No, it's Daeia."

I made her a snuggie ...

And then the highly anticipated Birthday Phone Call ... and notice my Dad took some pointers from the All State Singer during HIS Birthday Phone Call.


And We Sailed On said...

what an amazing cake!
happy birthday Julia!

Smithclan said...

Wow!! Happy Birthday Julia...I mean Daeia (Kendall) Thank you for posting that video I LOVE IT. I listened to it like 5 times. It's so sweet.