Sunday, September 27, 2009

Asked to Homecoming!

Julia was asked yesterday to attend Homecoming with her friend Kyle.
He had a friend draw an outline of his body (like a crime scene outline of a "victim") and wrote: "I'd die to go to homecoming with you!" (Kerst wrote in the bottom left corner - do it Daeia!! From Kerst.

Stay tuned for the answer!!!


Smithclan said...

Waiting, waiting, waiting....ahhhhh it's too hard!! Cute idea though! Hurry, I'm tuned in.

Tianna said...

How cute, are all the boys so creative?

ckm said...

The boys are generally creative (to some extent) when asking a date to Homecoming, the Winter Formal and Prom. It is always fun to hear what they come up with.