Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kerst's first Pinewood Derby!

Life has been crazy to say the least ... here is a post I was working on back in March of this year.

March 19, 2009

Kerst had his FIRST Pinewood Derby! He was so excited to get his car and make it with John. For some reason we waited until the night of the race to attach the wheels and get the weight up to 5 oz.

Kerst and John searched the Internet for design ideas. Kerst drew it out. John cut it. Kerst painted it in patriotic colors all by himself.

Kerst took 3rd place in his Wolf Den. He also won the award for "most colorful." He was very proud. John is already trying to figure out where to put the weight so the car they make together next year will be even faster...that engineering husband of mine! And not a bit competitive...outwardly.

Here is the drivers license they gave Kerst to wear during the Derby.

They captured his personality perfectly in this picture! I'm amazed because he has only been in that den for a month ... and they already figured out his fun-loving nature.

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