Friday, July 18, 2008

Strikers strike CO!

My Brother-in-law, Mike, and my sister Kelly came out to visit the 3rd week in July. They brought along Mike's soccer team, the Strikers. They were invited to the Pike's Peak Tournament. The team (14 teenage boys) stayed in our basement for the week. It was a lot of fun. Very busy. Late nights. Fun games. Swimming. Hot Tub. PS2. Elitch Gardens. Lots of food (and a partial functioning kitchen).

My girls were a bit aprehensive with having these boys in our home, but by the time they left, my girls considered them all older brothers. It was fun to see my kids and the soccer players evolve over the week.

I got a bonus treat out of this visit. My sister brought along her dear friend, Wendi. Wendi and her husband Brian (assistant coach) were out here to cheer on their son Jens. They are an amazing family. Sweet, fun, loving and a family I would love to have right next door. I was sad when they left.

The team signed a jersey as a thankyou to our family. I framed it and I have it hanging in the basement. I have a couple of pictures to add to it and will post a picture. We love to look at it everytime we go downstairs. Fun memories...amazing young men...amazing friends.


Kelly Anderson said...

It was SO MUCH FUN! Can't wait to do it again!!

Cathy said...

Corin!!! So glad to see your blog. How long have you been CO?? When did you come out to Utah, you didn't visit, sniff! Refering to soccer. Is Jens and family from UT? Max has a friend with the same name who plays soccer. Just wondering. I'll definately add you to my blog list. I'll e-mail you with my blog address. Thanks for keeping in touch!!