Monday, January 21, 2008

What's up with us

No news on the house. Our realtor told us to expect 4-6 weeks to hear back from the bank after we have a signed contract with the seller. It will be 1 month on Jan 26. We are still waiting.

We are looking at paint colors...the kids are dreaming up plans for their rooms. Jaley will be getting a new bed; hers rocked back and forth. We are going to upgrade her bed to a Queen . . . for visitors. . . hint hint. Julia will be upgraded to a Queen too. More visitors . . . another reunion? hmmm....

Not much snow today. No school Friday or today due to MLK (who knows why on Friday). I noticed that our school district has a Fall Break. 1 full week of in October! Wild!

No skiing yet. I think once we are settled, we will look into doing that. John has every other Friday off . . . hmmm....

We are still getting ideas for the kitchen.

Jenna enjoys school. Julia says it is easy, and boring. Jaley and Kerst are doing fine; adjusting to a new math program, etc. They miss IL (Jenna doesn't miss it as much as the others; she has adjusted the best in my opinion). Jaley is off playing with a couple of friends from church today. I'm SO glad that she has made some friends from church. Not many her age though. More than in IL! She was the only one her age in our old ward.

Just hanging out. Julia plays the piano quite frequently. I love it. She still plays it even though she has a jammed (and VERY purple) left pointer finger from Basketball at HS. She is currently working on learning "Carol of the Bells" is beautiful. If you have George Winston's album DECEMBER, the song is on there. It is a favorite of mine. She will most likely nail it down in a month or so...she is very determined. She is also working on playing all of the hymns. Her piano talent has really improved. I still can't believe she has been playing for right around 3 years.

Kendall is goofy. He still doesn't talk much. Mainly signs...animals ones mostly. He loves books, balls and cars.

Other than that, we are great.

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