Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Things that describe me

One of the YW in our ward passed away this past Fall. I was immediately drawn to a piece of paper inside the program that was filled with words and phrases that described her. I didn't know her well, but after reading the memories and thoughts from her loved ones, I felt like I knew her.

I posted on our family website this idea of words and phrases that describe each one of us. Here is the list that some of my family came up for me:

Things that describe me:

(my list)
Baby Beans
Miss Merrie Bells
My best friend growing up was Bama
Crying when Bama left, waiting by the phone for her to call me
Didn't like eggs until mom introduced me to Gpa Steven's Crackers and eggs
Hair Spray in High School...went through tons
Finding "baby worms" at a park with Sean and Reed
Mud Ball
Salt Lake Temple goal
BYU goal

from my Mom
Myrna's thrift store
poem about towers of stuff in your room
Towne East information booth
Swim team
Summer rec
win Scripture chase at Seminary bowl.
Sew your prom dress from 2 patterns with Sister G.....m
Bus trip to see Emily in Omaha
ring in plastic bubble that would rattle in John's pocket
A Time to Love"I'm creating somebody wonderful"
Beehive president with Emily as Advisor
S. Salveter and Mini Mission
Miss Merrybells
Army Reserves
push ups
pass out when donated blood
Mary D..n
Emily V.. W......
Pencil drawing portraits
Almost in a trance like state when drawing them...and they were SO GOOD.
Sew diapers for the dualies
Patriarch Orr gave you your Patriarchal Blessing.
Our first Temple Marriage...breaking us in!
ripping up the kitchen carpet
I won't go on a date until we shampoo this carpet. Maybe we shouldn't have done that! as bow would say tee hee....
Respected in your HS
Katherine P.....s
Kayleen A.....z
Mary M......s
Beth S.....r
winning smile
first to go on the "Contract"...Check book, laundry!

From Kelly:
Watching Julia in Utah while Corin had to do her army duties at the U
Having food poisoning in Texas when the whole ward had it (Corin and John didn't)
Corin leaving to BYU, really sad
Laying down with Shannon, Cara, Mom and Corin in a white metal day bed the night before Coring got married and talking/hanging out
The water colors she would paint
Sister Salveter-drew and painted a picture of her of when she was little drinking from water fountain
Senior class ring-Shannon got to wear it and I got the room

From Julianne:
Trips to Ohio - I loved going to spend time with the Meibos family in Ohio and watch Corin in her wonderful mother role.
outlet shopping
Corin bringing her whole family to our wedding - it meant so much to me - besides being married in the temple that was probably the most important thing to me was having our family with us.
Big sister - I admire and respect Corin so much, I have turned to her on many occasions for advice.
Sharing good talks. On our many visits to her home we have had some great talks. One especially stands out in my memory while driving somewhere in Ohio together she shared her gratitude for me and Brooke in her brothers' lives.
Wonder woman - I am truly AMAZED by all Corin does.

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