Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We love her so much, she is worth a heart attack

We just love her - Wendi.  Julia knew she had a rough week (I know, I was there!).

So .... Julia got us together to write her notes and heart attack her door.  We headed out just after 11:00 p.m.  It was tricky.  They are night owls, so there were lights on inside.  It was dark outside ... until we walked up.  Their motion sensor on the front porch detected us .... and so did Adi, their dog.

We strategically placed a heart over the peep hole, just in case someone tried to look outside.

It was fun.  I sure hope Beautiful knows how much we love and admire her.

1 comment:

Smithclan said...

Awww, so sweet! And I love you guys too! thanks for the pick me up. my favorite heart...a little giraffe (to remind me of Julia) from sweet little kendall. also loved all the cannibals. and ALL the sweet kind words. thanks muchly!