Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kerst's last day

It was Kerst's last day yesterday. He was so sad to leave his amazing teacher, Ms. K.

She was a topic of many dinner conversations - about how amazing she is. We had discussions about how we could make her a member of our family. A permanent one. She IS AMAZING. When I visit/help in her classroom, the kids respond so quickly and they all adore her.

Kerst brought her our traditional end of the year gift. A perennial flower. I wish I remembered to take a picture of him with it. The pin flower was really fun. Tall towering pin type flowers that were purple. I remember having heard it called a pin flower (or that is what I called it when I grew them in IL!).

Here is what his "flower tag" said:

Inquisitive-ina Pianist-olia

This handsome flower has a contagious smile with a sparkle in his eyes indicating something exciting to share. His hugs will melt your heart.

Description: Light brown hair with a couple of orange spots. Blue eyes. Huge smile. Cutest dimples.

How he grew: Showered with lots of love and understanding from his wonderful 3rd Grade Teacher, Ms. K. He learned multiplication and algebra, how to run a successful business in K-ville, Native Indians, and magnets.

Related Species: Julia, Jenna, Jaley, Kendall.

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