Thursday, May 28, 2009

Keep Out ... or else

Kerst has not been happy that Jaley "swipes" Kendall at night - she sneaks in after both boys are asleep and takes Kendall to her room. Kendall is supposed to sleep in his own crib in Kerst's room - according to Kerst.

Jaley LOVES to snuggle with Kendall at night. I usually find this in the morning:
They have a very sweet relationship.

Kerst made a sign yesterday.

Keep out

do not think

of coming in

Jaley or Jenna

unless it's a emergency

do not ruin this page

or else

Jaley saw it. She smiled. "Mom, I'm going to go in at night and yell, 'It's an emergency, I need Kendall!' grab him and run out."

It is an emergency ;o) - you need to snuggle that little guy as much as possible because he is growing up right before our eyes!


F said...

way too cute!

becky ward said...

that is so sweet! they do grow up so fast. and how funny that kerst made a sign. love it.

Smithclan said...

I love YOU Jaley!!! You are going to be a wonderful mama someday!

Shannon said...

too too tooooooo cute!