As told by my Mom:
"Dad had been in his grubbies in the attic and came down fluffy with insulation. He changed out of his clothes in the laundry room and put them directly into the washer. He was going to be in for the evening reading, so he put on his Stanford Dad sweatshirt and some exercise pants. He was reading contentedly in the living room prepared to hand out Halloween candy. When out on the lawn there was lots of commotion...lots of activity , the Stan A. family came over to Reed and Brooke's in Costume, Bill and Linda were there too, then Katie and Mark F. arrived. It was the huge gathering of Cousins to go trick or treating. I was on the phone with Grandma P at the time of the commotion. I was standing in our bay window describing the costumes and the activity with the arrival of so many. Then our neighbors started arriving for trick or treating. Dad just disappeared. He was gone for a long time. Next thing I knew Tigger (Mike) was ringing the doorbell. Dad was grinning from ear to ear... back with lots of candy in his trusty wheelbarrow. know it, the one he'd used for every cement job he'd ever done....the one he'd hauled logs in for the huge pile by the barn and sand when the lateral lines were laid in Peck. The one our neighbors had on their roof as they were taking off four layers of shingles and trying to get it in the dumpster in the driveway. The one he bought when he attended NIU and had the 1948 yellow dodge pickup truck that he bought from an Episcopal priest and had his "P... Construction Company" All of his cement tools and the wheelbarrow were painted red so he could spot them easily. He just decided to go to a couple of the neighbors and they got such a kick out of it, he decided to do lots more. He brought the candy over to Reed and Brookes. The kiddos will have Halloween candy to last until Valentines day now!
He had a fine time, got some good exercise, created a few memories, and has warmed the heart of some ward members!"
Thanks for sharing Mom! I can picture Dad doing this.
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
4 months ago
Love Grandpa P!!! Miss him and his humor! I need to go see him. Thanks for sharing with us.
It really was so funny! The kids loved runing up to him to compare who had the most candy. of course he said he did. what a great guy and neighbor, we're lucky! :]
amy young
Brooke's neighbor :]
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