Monday, June 22, 2009

We pee in ...

To reinforce anything and everything with Kendall, I ask him closed ended questions - only has one answer (usually) or have him fill in the blank with the missing word.

Since we were at a family reunion, his "potty" schedule has been off. He has been "holding" #2. I keep waiting for his huge deposit.

After dinner yesterday he said he was done eating. I proceeded to ask him the "potty questions" - or the fill in the blank statements.

Me: "We poop in the ..."

Kendall: "potty ... no undies."

Me: "We pee in the ..."

Jaley pipes in with "tree."

Kendall corrects her, "No. Grass."

Trees work for cover ;o)


briansmithprovo said...

Had a good chuckle at this!
with 3 scouts in our house, I'm certain there are a lot of trees in the mountains that have been watered. And fires, and anthills, and... and...

Smithclan said...

Trees in the bout our own trees in our own backyard!! We only have one potty so it makes it quite convienent to have a fenced in yard (although that wouldn't matter to them) and a big tree. Loved this post!!!

Kelly Anderson said...

so so silly! can't wait to see you all!