Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ahhhh .... It's that time of year - THE CODE

Time for so many fun traditions ... and it is a busy time with the upcoming wedding too!

I actually came up with the code for the gifts this year early!  I haven't even wrapped.

The past several years we have decided to torture the kids by writing a code for the gifts.  Each child is given a number.  They have to crack the code to figure out who gets which gifts.  The child who cracks the code gets a lunch date with Mom or Dad.

This year's code:
Almost 1

We will give the kids one hint each day when we get closer to Christmas.

Get a crackin'!


Smithclan said... will you tell me the order of the kids? Does it start out with 0 for Kendall? and 5 for Julia?

ckm said...

No specific order :) Each number relates to something specific for each kid regarding the same thing.