Thursday, September 27, 2012


Kendall (age 6 .... 1st grade) was given a new spelling list.  A more challenging list.  Harder words.  I mean hard.  They are kicking our butt :)

Here are his words ... and remember, he's only 6 (barely)
remember (I often times type this wrong ... rember - maybe I type too fast)

We have been making up ways to have him spell the words.  If we use the words in a sentence, he has to spell the word.

Last night it was just me and the boys for dinner.  We were reviewing his words for his pretest.  I asked the boys (John, Kerst and Kendall) to spell garden.

John replied  "f .... a ..... r ..... t ...... e ......d"

I think we need to get his ears checked.

Oh boy ... I am surrounded by boys.  Save me :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time Out

Jenna was being Jenna.

Kendall insisted on us putting her on timeout.

"Where would you put her on timeout?"

"In her room."

He thought a little and added

"with no iPhone and no napping."

He thought a little more and changed his mind.

"She should go on timeout in my room."

(Overheard from Jaley - "Timeout for teenagers is the best.  Perfect naptime."

Kendall - "There is no sleeping allowed.")

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Asked to homecoming

Jenna was asked to attend homecoming (at another high school).

How was she asked?  He just came out and asked after taking her to a movie.

Jenna answered.  In a more creative way ...

She gave it to him at work.  Nick counted for hours.  Nearly four hours :)  Jenna's co-workers LOVED this torture treatment they saw inflicted on him.

 Total:  3,050
We asked her, "What if it was an odd number?"

"Then I'd reach in the jar and eat one."

So .... what does Nick do with 3,050 m&m's?

And shared them with Jenna :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Spelling Sentences

Kendall is a rock star with his spelling words.

"WAHOO!" is what is written on his tests if he gets 100%.  His teacher is so fun and energetic -I love hearing hear him say some of the phrases she does.

Here are the sentences he had to write at school for his spelling word practice.

Sentence #3 is my favorite.  Such a boy.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Love notes :)

At the end of July we took a quick road trip to Chicago to visit family ...

Before we left, I left some notes for John.

To remind him to water these:

On the TV/Computer monitor in the family room

On the bathroom mirror

In the kitchen

Just before we left, I went in the fridge to grab the sandwiches for our trip (top left of the picture below) and discovered this note.

I had a good laugh.  She keeps things hopping and fun around here.  We sure miss her now that she is back at BYU!