Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It was funny to hear Jenna insist that 0 was her number.  Why?  Because that is the balance in her bank account.  Funny. 

Well, they FINALLY cracked the code.

I thought the clues yesterday would give it away for sure.  No.  The clue today was cracked by Julia because she was that certain 17 year old.

0, 8, 18 or 19, 20, 22 represents the teeth they lost.

Kendall hasn't lost any - 0.

Kerst has lost 8.

The dentist wasn't sure if Jaley had one or two more baby teeth to lose, hence 18 or 19.

Jenna has lost 22. 20 baby teeth and 2 adult teeth were pulled to help her teeth fit her jaw - that was instead of doing jaw surgery.

Julia has lost 20.  Monday she was supposed to have her wisdom teeth out but we decided not to do it at this time and wait until after she graduates ... she has a busy couple of months coming up with All State Choir and the High School musical.

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