Crunch time now. Carpet comes on Monday. Yahoo! (Although the theater carpet is stuck in a crate in Europe - so we will have to patient). We have someone helping us with the 2 bathrooms - shower wall tile. Seeing how labor intensive it is (mosaic tile mixed with 6 1/2 inch square tile), we would have taken several weeks to complete it.
John and I were up until 2:00 a.m. this morning installing the tub in Jaley's bathroom (it looks really nice!), taping the trim, etc. I taped last night for 5 hours. We have a lot of door frames and windows.
What we need to finish by Monday:
Repaint Jenna's door - it ended up having some drips. It is sanded and ready to go!
Paint the door and window trim
Finish the tile in the bar area and grout it
Tile and grout the floors in the small linen closets.
We will put off painting the theater room since the carpet isn't here. We can use that room to store the doors we painted and some odds and ends in the basement.
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
5 months ago
Hurray for projects coming to an end.:)
You are hard workers! I bet it will look awesome!
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