Today was the day. We put the crib away. I swore I would never take a child out of the crib until they
1. climbed out
2. we move to another house in another state
3. another one is on the way.
Kendall did not climb out, we are not moving and NO, I am not announcing anything either.
This crib was used for 7 years straight with Julia (for 2 years then Jenna came along), Jenna (for two years and the Jaley came along) and Jaley (for 3 years and then we moved to IL). It was put away for 1 year when we moved to IL and then set it back up for Kerst and has been up ever since and has been used by Kendall for the past 3 years.
Kendall was not happy taking it down. John distracted him by having Kendall help him disassemble the crib. John quickly slipped it out and stored it in some ceiling shelving racks in the garage. When we got back from a family outing, I took Kendall to his room for his nap. Oh the look on his face when he noticed/remembered his crib was gone.
"Daddy lost my crib."
He has been enjoying the top bunk for the last 3 weeks - and hasn't even climbed down!
My baby has officially grown up. He will always be my baby - and so will my other 4 kids.
7 Day Challenge Day 7: Meals-in-a-Jar
3 months ago
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