Saturday, June 13, 2009


Julia has been very ill since Thursday; we took her to the pediatric urgent care center this afternoon. 103.2 fever is what they clocked her in at the center - with Tylenol. She had the Dr and nurses baffled - we are kind of boring over here. We haven't gone anywhere so where did she come down with this bug? It is not the flu (although all of her symptoms matched up perfectly with his checklist)- they ran a test on her that took 30 minutes to process. It is a virus. 24 hours after the last symptom (fever, etc) she will be considered not contagious. Ugh.

I hope none of the rest of us get it. We are good hand washers and Julia has been sleeping the entire time so not tons of contact with the other kids.

Get better Jewlz!

FYI: Bolster dose of Advil is working like a charm! Thanks Doc.


Smithclan said...

Get better soon sweet little girl! We love you!

briansmithprovo said...

Scary! That's a really high temperature. You're really lucky to have an awesome Mom/nurse. Hope you get well soon and get your strength back. Too much summer fun to be had to stay sick. :)

briansmithprovo said...

Oh yea, and blessings will knock that virus right out! I know it.