Friday, October 3, 2008

Julia's National Anthem

Julia did an amazing job singing the National Anthem at our home VolleyBall Game (she would beg to differ....).

I forget how loud the warm up sessions are before the game. They were BLASTING roudy music to motivate the teams during the warm up. Julia kept slipping into the hallway with Blakelee to find her note (she had it all along, she just had to keep checking).

The closer the time came to her to sing her solo, she hung out in the gym and sang into the folded up bleachers. I thought it was pretty cute!

Here is her solo...


Brooke said...

Julia is so brave.

kati said...

Julia did fantastic!!! Remind her if she were perfect she wouldn't be here.!!! LOVE YOU ALL!

Kelly Anderson said...


Lorena said...

Wonderful job Julia, it's such a joy to teach you!